2born (2born) wrote,

О намагниченных цилиндрах и связаннных с ними задачах

Full analytical solution for the magnetic field of uniformly magnetized cylinder tiles: https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01376
Florian Slanovc, Michael Ortner, Mohssen Moridi, Claas Abert, Dieter Suess
We present an analytical solution for the magnetic field of a homogeneously magnetized cylinder tile and by extension solutions for full cylinders, rings, cylinder sectors and ring segments. The derivation is done by direct integration in the magnetic surface charge picture. Results are closed-form expressions and elliptic integrals. All special cases are treated individually, which enables the field computation for all possible position arguments. An implementation is provided in Python together with a performance analysis. The implementation is tested against numerical solutions and applied to compute the magnetic field in a discrete Halbach cylinder.
Comments: 29 pages, 6 Figures
Tags: matlab, КлЭД, Мегаучебник или Что я читал и похвалил, разгребая arXiv'ы, техника

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