2born (2born) wrote,

Локальная унитарность - удобное представление для легкости регуляризации и вычислений по Монте-Карло

Local Unitarity: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15662
Zeno Capatti
Within the Local Unitarity formalism, any physical cross-section is re-written in such a way that cancellations of infrared singularities between real and virtual contributions are realised locally. Consequently, phase-space and loop integrals are regulated locally without the need of any counter-terms or dimensional regularisation aside from those strictly needed to achieve ultraviolet regularisation. This Local Unitarity representation is especially suitable to direct Monte Carlo integration. As such, it offers a clear and direct path to automate the computation of fixed-order differential observables in Quantum Field Theories.
Comments: 12 pages
Tags: matlab, КЭД, Мегаучебник или Что я читал и похвалил, разгребая arXiv'ы

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