2born (2born) wrote,

Каналирование заряженной частицы в диэлектрическом капилляре

Свежая статья Дабагова.

On channeling of charged particles in a single dielectric capillary: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03524
S.B. Dabagov, A.V. Dik
We analytically analyse the motion of a nonrelativistic charged particle in a cylindrical single capillary. The effective potential for interaction of a charged particle with the inner surface of a capillary is derived as a sum of the averaged atomic potential of the capillary wall surface and the induced potential defined by collective surface excitations. We have shown that this potential may hold a particle in a bound state due to the surface excitations that defines a so-called surface channeling regime of motion, while under certain conditions the interaction potential near the capillary wall is represented by a scattering potential barrier. For the first time we have evaluated the induced potential revealing two limits to form either a well or a barrier that are delineated by the ratio of the insulator plasmon frequency to the frequency defined by the particle motion in a capillary.
Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures
Tags: каналирование, люди, наука, разгребая arXiv'ы

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