Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics:
Peter Forck
The determination of beam parameters is essential for the operation and development of any accelerator facility. The working principle of frequently used beam instruments for electron and proton beams is discussed. The article comprises of the beam instrumentation for beam current determination, the usage of beam position monitors for bunched beams, methods for transverse profile and emittance diagnostics, bunch shape measurement and the usage of beam loss monitors.
Comments: 56 pages, contribution to the CAS - CERN Accelerator School: General Introductory course on Accelerator Physics & Technologies, 2019 and beyond
На этой же школе:
Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Circular Accelerators:
Frank Tecker
This paper gives an introduction of longitudinal beam dynamics for circular accelerators. After briefly discussing some types of circular accelerators, it focuses on particle motion in synchrotrons. It summarizes the equations of motion, discusses phase-space matching during beam transfer, and introduces the Hamiltonian of longitudinal motion.
Comments: 17 pages, contribution to the CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Introduction to Accelerator Physics