2born (2born) wrote,

Как преподавать электродинамику: неопубликованные заметки Фейнмана

Сегодняшняя статейка:

On Feynman's handwritten notes on electromagnetism and the idea of introducing potentials before fields: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04317
José A. Heras, Ricardo Heras
In his recently discovered handwritten notes on "An alternate way to handle electrodynamics" dated on 1963, Richard P. Feynman speculated with the idea of getting the inhomogeneous Maxwell's equations for the electric and magnetic fields from the wave equation for the vector potential. With the aim of implementing this pedagogically interesting idea, we develop in this paper the approach of introducing the scalar and vector potentials before the electric and magnetic fields. We consider the charge conservation expressed through the continuity equation as a basic axiom and make a heuristic handle of this equation to obtain the retarded scalar and vector potentials, whose wave equations yield the homogeneous and inhomogeneous Maxwell's equations. We also show how this axiomatic-heuristic procedure to obtain Maxwell's equations can be formulated covariantly in the Minkowski spacetime.
Comments: The paper includes an extract of Feynman's first handwritten note on his "Alternate Way to Handle Electrodynamics."

вывела меня на саму эту заметку. Обсуждение на сайте Калтеха. Расшифровка записи лежит тут.

Не вчитывался, но интересно:)
Tags: КлЭД, Мегаучебник или Что я читал и похвалил, люди, об учебниках, образование, разгребая arXiv'ы

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