In this paper we design and construct gradient coils for a Halbach permanent magnet array magnetic resonance (MR) scanner. The target field method, which is widely applied for the case of axial static magnetic fields, has been developed for a transverse static magnetic field as produced by a Halbach permanent magnet array. Using this method, current densities for three gradient directions are obtained and subsequently verified using a commercial magneto-static solver. Stream functions are used to turn the surface current densities into wire patterns for constructing the gradient coils. The measured fields are in good agreement with simulations and their prescribed target fields. Three dimensional images have been acquired using the constructed gradient coils with very low degree of geometric distortion.
О конструкции градиентных катушек для МРТ
In this paper we design and construct gradient coils for a Halbach permanent magnet array magnetic resonance (MR) scanner. The target field method, which is widely applied for the case of axial static magnetic fields, has been developed for a transverse static magnetic field as produced by a Halbach permanent magnet array. Using this method, current densities for three gradient directions are obtained and subsequently verified using a commercial magneto-static solver. Stream functions are used to turn the surface current densities into wire patterns for constructing the gradient coils. The measured fields are in good agreement with simulations and their prescribed target fields. Three dimensional images have been acquired using the constructed gradient coils with very low degree of geometric distortion.
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